
English Speaking Lawyer in Bulgaria

If you are a foreigner, living and working in Bulgaria, and it is difficult for you to find an English speaking lawyer in Bulgaria, who truly understands the essence of your problems and needs, you should contact Slavyana Ilieva lawyer. Contact Slavyana Ilieva lawyer on phone 0895071410 or through the contact form on the website.

List of Legal Services from English Speaking Lawyer in Bulgaria

    • Divorce lawyer Bulgaria

    • Child Support lawyer Bulgaria

    • Parental Rights lawyer Bulgaria

    • Legal Advice Bulgaria

    • Buying Property Bulgaria

    • Civil Law Lawyer Bulgaria

Buying Property in Bulgaria

Most people prefer buying a property without a broker, because in this way they save thousands of BGN on commission for the broker. Of course, with such a purchase, you must contact an English speaking lawyer in Bulgaria who will check the property ownership documents, check for encumbrances on the property, and also prepare the notary deed. By contacting Slavyana Ilieva lawyer, you can count on these actions being carried out in the best possible way, with attention to detail and an exceptional level of professionalism. Moreover, the value of these services is strictly calculated according to the Tariff for minimum amounts of attorney’s fees, and will be adjusted to the price of the property.

Please contact me at ✉ slavyana.ilieva@gmail.com, ☎ (00359) 895071410

Experienced Divorce Lawyer Bulgaria

If you are looking for an experienced divorce lawyer to whom you can entrust your divorce by mutual agreement or by way of claim, contact Slavyana Ilieva lawyer on phone 0895071410 or through the contact form on the website. The consultation can be done both in the office and over the phone.

What documents should you need to present?

In order for the consultation to be as useful as possible, bring the following documents with you: identity card, civil marriage certificate, children’s birth certificates, if you have them, documents for movable and immovable property acquired during the marriage falling under conjugal status property community. Of course, you may not carry any of the mentioned documents if you only want to find out how the divorce procedure goes, how long it takes to divorce by mutual consent or by way of claim, what is the difference between the two procedures, can you initiate a divorce, if your husband is abroad, can you file for divorce without knowing the defendant’s address, etc. As an experienced divorce lawyer, Slavyana Ilieva lawyer will give a comprehensive answer to all the questions that interest you in the field of family law.

Please contact me at ✉ slavyana.ilieva@gmail.com, ☎ (00359) 895071410

Name Changing in Bulgaria

Can anyone initiate a judicial name changing procedure in Bulgaria? What are the conditions to initiate this procedure?

Grounds for judicial name change

The grounds for a name change are comprehensively listed in the Civil Registration Act. To apply for a name change, you must meet at least one of the grounds listed.

Name changing in Bulgaria is allowed when the person’s name is derisive, disgraceful or socially unacceptable, as well as in cases where important circumstances require the change. If your first name sounds or phonetically resembles a derisive word, if your name is socially unacceptable because it is identified with the name of a historical figure (Hitler, Stalin), then you can apply for a name change.

What important circumstances may necessitate a name change? If a Bulgarian citizen has a first, patronymic or surname that does not correspond to Bulgarian traditions and does not end in -ev or -ov, depending on the gender of the person, the person bearing this name can request to change it. Although there is currently such a trend among young parents, in order to make their child’s name sound more modern or international, writing down their child’s father’s name Ivan, Dimitar (instead of Ivanov or Dimitrov), this would create difficulties in identifying the person. In this case, judicial practice allows a name change on this basis. Note, however, that a patronymic change cannot be requested on this basis if the paternal name does not allow for such an ending.

To start a procedure for name changing in Bulgaria by court order, contact English speaking lawyer in Bulgaria – Slavyana Ilieva on phone 0895071410 or through the contact form on the website.

Please contact me at ✉ slavyana.ilieva@gmail.com, ☎ (00359) 895071410